Latex Hypnosis by Miss Kay
Latex lures you into a lull when worn, but paired up with hypnosis, your mind will soon be on another plane. Like latex, the words in this latex hypnosis will constrict your senses so that you are focused in on those few options available to you. You’ll hear things that you never heard before. Your nose will be filled with the scents of your surroundings, as well as your own arousal. Your vision is slightly obstructed from the PVC you wear on your head. All you can feel on your skin is the warmth of the liquid latex pouring over you, slowly hardening and tugging at your skin. The latex allows you to feel at your most naked, while still being covered – but you need to open yourself up to it. The words in this passage will coat your mind, as dripping liquid latex covers supple breasts, hardened cocks, and naughty little bottoms.
Latex is constriction and freedom intertwined. Listen as Mistress Kay takes you through a level of submission, being bound by latex and PVC. Slowing, carefully you will be cut from your plastic bindings, and encouraged to set yourself free as the tingle from the latex leaves your skin. You must submit – both in mind and skin to this latex, and to Mistress Kay.
For all of you fans of latex hypnosis I am currently working on new hypnosis Mp3 file …..