• Miss Kay

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There are tests which hypnotists and hypnotherapists utilize to assess the hypno-suggestibility of their clients and patients. If you’ve never been hypnotized, but are interested in hypnosis, why don’t you take a quick test right now. The test is very easy and all you have to do is read the following things. Read them slowly so that you understand what you are being asked to do:

1. Do not picture a Pink Elephant in your mind. Do not picture a Pink Elephant.

2. Do not picture the Number Five in your mind. Do not picture the Number Five.

3. Do not picture the Eiffel Tower in your mind. Do not picture the Eiffel Tower.

Did you picture any of these things in your mind? The Pink Elephant, the Number Five or the Eiffel Tower? If you pictured two or three of these things in your mind, you are most likely hypno-suggestible. Especially if you pictured the Pink Elephant and Eiffel Tower. “Not” picturing the Pink Elephant kicks in your imagination. “Not” picturing the number five appeals to a different part of the brain which processes numbers. And “not” picturing the Eiffel Tower appeals to memory of having seen the Eiffel Tower in person or in photos or films. Of course, this test also deployed NLP – Neuro Linguistic Programming. The NLP aspect of the test was in telling you “not” to picture something. Our brains typically don’t process the negative and instead respond to performing what is being negated. And it should also be somewhat obvious that if you are able to picture something in spite of being told not to, you are more than likely hypno-suggestible!

I’m considering whether to produce a file on Hypnosis Suggestibility Tests – what do you think? Email me at CallMissKay@yahoo.com or send me a chat message or email on Niteflirt.


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