Goonaholics Anonymous!
Porn • Excessive Masturbation • Pleasure • Addiction • Denial • Guilt • Anxiety • Boredom
This is the endless cycle of gooning! You are trapped somewhere in this cycle and only I can help you break out of this cycle and accept your fate as a Goonaholic. You will join Goonaholics Anonymous, my very own group of Gooners here on Niteflirt and I Want Phone. I will use hypnosis and therapy to help you understand the cycle of gooning and how to control your gooning. With my therapy and hypnosis, you will reach a milestone most gooners never do – Acceptance. But, you can’t do it alone. You must call me to goon and contain your gooning to hypno sessions with me, Miss Kay. No more spontaneous and impulsive gooning sessions that last for hours and hours. These types of sessions isolate you from women and create greater porn addiction.
Follow my therapy recommendations! Only I can save you! You will goon to me and for me! Only then will you end the cycle of non-constructive masturbation and reach the nirvana of Acceptance. Gooners like you stroke for hours without cumming, because your orgasm ends the high of gooning. So, you will learn via hypnosis to orgasm at a peak moment to discharge your gooner impulses. Then you will return to a relaxed state where you can go about your day or night and do what needs to be done. No more guilt about gooning for hours and forgoing work or other obligations. Return to sensible masturbation. All men masturbate. Learn how to control your masturbation, instead of your masturbation controlling you.
Treat yourself to one of my mp3s or hypno files and masturbate to my recordings if I’m not available live. Contain your jerk-off session to the length of my mp3 or file in order to stay within my Goonaholics Anonymous regimen. Find my files and mp3s in my Niteflirt Goodies, my I Want Clips studio and my own mp3 store – Hypnotic Mistress.