• Miss Kay

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Here is a mind-blowing reveal: I practice Covert Magic Hypnosis. You may not have realized this, because you may not have been aware that I was practicing magic on you while you were in a deep trance. During your deep trance experience, I may have cast a spell over you or I may have cursed you. And in case you were wondering, I may be one of the only HypnoDommes who practices this style of hypnosis.

Within erotic hypnosis, one of my specialties is to utilize deep hypnotic conditioning to take you deeper than other HypnoDommes do. The deeper you are transfixed by me, the more mindless, weak and open you become to whatever magic I wish to evoke. Black Magic or White Magic. Nevertheless, all of my magic is irreversible. Connecting with me live on Niteflirt or I Want Phone will lead to mind-bending trances interwoven with the power of supernatural magic. What man doesn’t want a little magic or a lot of magic in his life?

If you haven’t listened to one of my unique hypnosis mp3s or erotic recordings, I have many audio adventures to choose from in my mp3 emporium – Hypnotic Mistress – as well as in my Niteflirt Goodies and I Want Clips studio.

If you want me to point out which files you should buy and listen to first, I recommend these files related to Magic and Deep Hypnotic Stimulation:

*Sell Your Soul to Miss Kay
*Mind Magnetist
*Black Magic Money Slave
*Watch the Watch

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