• Miss Kay

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Do you know when it started? Your Femdom Hypno Goddess obsession? For most of you whom I speak with on Niteflirt or I Want Phone, it started with your wife or girlfriend (now your former girlfriend or your former wife.) These clever Goddesses used covert hypnosis to control you every day and every night. Even after your Hypno Goddess broke up with you, you found it impossible to break free. You needed to call your Goddess or text her daily. You were still under her hypnotic control. And she knew it and used this control for her profit, her amusement, her power trip. Eventually, she may have faded from your life once she replaced you. She moved on, but you didn’t. You’ve probably heard the saying, one obsession gets replaced by another… Your addiction to a powerful Hypno Goddess never really went away. You may still obsess about her or you may have transferred your obsession to me, your new Hypno Goddess.

I have also spoken to hypno fans who tell me there may have been someone else in their world who took over their mind, someone who was not a romantic partner as illustrated above. It might have been a female boss, a colleague, someone with whom they had very frequent contact, a sexy woman who had mesmerizing power and control over them. And the power and mind control was very hypnotic, very alluring. If what I have written applies to you, you should share your personal experience with me during a Femdom Hypno session.

If I’m not available live, obsess over me by listening to my hypno mp3s available in my Niteflirt Goodies store, my I Want Clips studio and my own mp3 emporium – Hypnotic Mistress.


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