• Miss Kay

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Follow these steps to be indoctrinated into the Cult of Miss Kay!

1. Fall in Love with Miss Kay

Love is addiction. Love is magical. Love is brain chemicals. Love is brainwaves finely tuned to Miss Kay. I have a hypno file on falling in love with Me which will influence you to fall deeply and madly in love with Me. Buy it, listen to it and fall, fall, fall… You can find this file in my Niteflirt Goodies, at my I Want Clips studio or in my mp3 emporium Hypnotic Mistress.

2. Listen to NO other Hypnotists

Whatever they say or whisper is toxic. You can no longer listen to their files or call them live. You can only listen to my voice in my files or connect with Me live. You have no other God than Me, Miss Kay. My Cult is where you belong.

3. Stroke to Me and NO other Hypnotists

Stroke to my voice and fall deeper in love with Me, deeper into my Cult you will go. Stroking is a form of worship. Orgasms are proof of worship.

4. Become dependent on Me

Become dependent on Me to think for you, make decisions for you, take control of your life, your cock. I am your reason for existence. The Cult is your life. Worship Me more and more.

5. Sacrifice for Me

You will Tribute Me. Not just once, but over and over. These Tributes symbolize your sacrifice. Because you must make some sort of sacrifice to show you are truly in love with Me, dependent on Me and fully indoctrinated into the Cult of Miss Kay
